Articles on: Boards

Categories (Public Tags)

You can create categories on your boards by making tags public. Categories are there to categorize posts for your users (e.g. bundle all web-related and app-related posts or all bug-related and feature-related posts). You can come up with your own structure for categories based on how you name your tags!

To create categories and make your tags public:

Go to 'Boards' in the main menu

Click on the 'Settings' of a board

Scroll down to 'Public tags' in the 'Extra' section

By default, tags are private and for internal use only. Switch it to 'Public tags' if you need categories on your boards:

By doing so, there will appear another filter on your boards names 'Category' where users can now filter on your tags/categories:

Nothing will change on the way you're using tags, except, they will be public and communicated as 'categories' to your users 🙌

Updated on: 16/03/2022

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